• Protein and peptide based vaccines (mRNA)
  • Seyedeh Fatemeh Esmaeili Zaki,1,* Fatemeh Bahmanabadi,2 Issa Layali,3
    1. Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Advanced Sciences and technology, Tehran Medical Sciences Branch, Islamic-Azad University, Tehran, Iran
    2. Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Advanced Sciences and technology, Tehran Medical Sciences Branch, Islamic-Azad University, Tehran, Iran
    3. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Faculty of Advanced Sciences and technology, Tehran Medical Sciences Branch, Islamic-Azad University, Tehran, Iran

  • Introduction: For effective vaccination, mRNA formulation, delivery method and mRNA carrier composition play an important role. mRNA vaccines have been delivered in various formats: encapsulation by carriers, delivery, such as lipid nanoparticles, polymers, peptides, free mRNA in solution and outside the body through dendritic cells. Appropriate delivery materials and formulation methods often increase the efficacy of the vaccine. It is also influenced by choosing a suitable route of administration. Simultaneous delivery of multiple mRNAs has the same effect it is possible to increase and in some cases the immunity against different types of an infectious pathogen or in general increase several pathogens. mRNA vaccine technology has evolved over the past 20 years from the first proof of concept to the first licensed vaccine against emerging pandemics such as 2-CoV-SARS evolved is. Also, mRNA vaccines in the past years have been a revolution in the fight against the epidemic - COVID There have been 19. This versatile technology has become the prevention of infectious diseases and the treatment of cancer are in the vaccination process, mRNA formulation and delivery strategies, effective expression and delivery of anti facilitates genes and immune system stimulation.
  • Methods: To date, in vitro mRNA transcription technology has matured and become the most popular method of use RNA polymerase T3, T7 or SP6 and linear DNA (linearized plasmid DNA or synthetic DNA) by PCR (for mRNA synthesis). Some basic structural elements of mature mRNA in There is a eukaryocyte that is necessary for the mRNA to remain functional. Modification of mRNA sequence the basis of its complete structure can optimize the efficiency of mRNA vaccine. Nevertheless, the original product in vitro transcribed mRNA is a mixture of target mRNA, non-target RNA, nucleotides, oligodeoxynucleotides and proteins. For purification of mRNA, sedimentation techniques and extraction to remove common impurities and chromatographic techniques in general for separation the target mRNA is used in this system from other mRNA impurities. UTRs are the non-coding parts of the mRNA sequence in the upstream domains (UTR'5) and downstream of the mRNA coding region (3' UTR). As reported, UTRs are associated with the processes of mRNA replication and translation and can greatly degrade mRNA and alter translation efficiency through interaction with RNA-binding proteins. in an effort to increase mRNA stability and translation efficiency, ensuring UTR optimization is essential.
  • Results: A preliminary study has shown that injecting naked mRNA in vivo can induce an immunotherapeutic response stimulate in mice. Currently, mRNA administration strategies generally include the following injections cutaneous, intradermal injection, intranodular injection, intramuscular injection, intravenous injection, injection inside the tumor, etc., are the necessary methods to stimulate antigen presentation and initiation immune responses help. In 2013, Phua et al. Discovered that delivery efficiency subcutaneous injection of naked mRNA in mice is even more effective than mRNA nanoparticle delivery methods. Van Lint et al suggested that intratumoral injection of tumor-associated mRNA a response it creates appropriate immunity and believed that it could be a promising vaccination strategy bare mainly for the near future. Today, direct injection of mRNA to treat or prevent infectious diseases are used. Nevertheless, even if the injection of naked mRNA can respond to create immunity, the working effect of this method of delivery is relatively weak and naked mRNA often after injection it breaks down quickly in the body. Direct injection of naked mRNA for use in human patients it is very simple and basic and is often used as a way to administer modified mRNA vaccines used with other delivery systems to achieve better vaccine effects.
  • Conclusion: Types of products based on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) as a therapeutic strategy promising in immunotherapy and also known as a vaccine for infectious and viral diseases are There are tremendous advantages associated with mRNA vaccines, including high efficacy, relative intensity and low acquisition costs enable these vaccines to have minimal side effects clinical trials against infectious diseases and various cancers become common. Advances recent technological advances have alleviated some of the issues that have hindered mRNA vaccine development. Hope with the progress of science and conducting more experiments, we have witnessed the effectiveness of this achievement in the society and the production of products be mostly derived from mRNA.
  • Keywords: mRNA, Peptide, Protein, Virus, Cancer, VLP