مقالات پذیرفته شده در هشتمین کنگره بین المللی زیست پزشکی
Targeted treatment approaches for ovarian cancer: a systematic review
Targeted treatment approaches for ovarian cancer: a systematic review
Mahsa Behzadian,1Fatemeh Afsharirad,2,*
1. Bachelor student of Midwifery, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran 2. Bachelor student of Midwifery, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
Introduction: Ovarian cancer has the highest mortality rate among all malignancies of the female reproductive system. On average, a woman's lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is 1-1.5%, and the death rate is 50%. Diagnosing ovarian cancer is extremely important in the rate of destruction of cancer cells and survival of a person, but unfortunately, in most cases, it is detected and diagnosed in an advanced stage, which makes the treatment difficult and difficult. Therefore, it is important to examine treatment approaches. Immunotherapy is one of the treatment methods, but ovarian cancer's response to it is limited and does not show much reaction. Studies conducted on biomarkers such as Tumor Mutational Burden (TMB) or the combination of several treatment approaches simultaneously with immunotherapy such as the combined treatment of deadritic cells (DC) autologous vaccine with immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) and chemotherapy strengthen the immune response and reduce cells In another research study, they evaluated the combination of cyclophosphamide with bevacizumab and an autologous DC vaccine and found that the group that received the combined treatment with cyclophosphamide compared to the group that received the combined treatment without cyclophosphamide. They have a higher chance of response and recovery in such a way that 8 out of 10 patients responded to the vaccine, whereas only 3 out of 12 patients responded to the vaccine without cyclophosphamide. This study aims to investigate targeted treatments for ovarian cancer.
Methods: In this systematic review, the study keywords were searched in PubMed and Google Scaler databases. Keywords were selected from the MESH database and combined with OR and AND functions. Keywords "ovarian cancer," "targeted therapy," and "immunotherapy" were used to search for articles. To check more recent information, the time filter from the beginning of 2018 to 2024 was used. All reviewed research and review articles were full text in English and rated Q1 and Q2.
Results: Considering that ovarian cancer is diagnosed late and in advanced stages, treatment approaches are highly regarded. Although immunotherapy was recognized as one of the treatment approaches for ovarian cancer according to the results, the studies showed that the use of combined treatments was more effective and efficient because by strengthening the immune system response and reducing tumor escape at the same time, the chances of recovery and survival increased. They used to give cyclophosphamide together with autologous DC vaccine, which made the immune system's response to the vaccine more effective.
Conclusion: According to the statements, immunotherapy was less effective than other treatment methods. Combination therapy was also considered as another therapeutic approach that helped to enhance the immune response and reduce the tumor cells at the same time. According to the aforementioned findings, receiving cyclophosphamide could improve the response to analog vaccines and make them more effective.