Introduction: Providing suitable conditions for growth, proliferation and differentiation of stem cells has been great importance till now. Therefore, many two-dimensional(2D) and three-dimensional(3D) culture systems have been developed till today. But because of the cells in two-dimensional culture conditions demonstrate more different behavior compared with their micro-environment in the body, three-dimensional culture systems were developed to study and investigate cell behavior, in which cell behavior is as close as possible to the natural state of the body. Also, considering the natural micro-environment of stem cells is largely influenced by various biochemical and biophysical factors, it is very important to provide conditions that mimic their natural micro-environment. Microfluidic systems create a suitable platform for studying and investigating the behavior of cells. Because by creating a three-dimensional environment, they create suitable conditions for cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Microfluidics is a technology for manipulating very small amounts of fluids in microliter and Pico liter scales that flow in channels with micrometer dimensions. The integration of stem cell and microfluidic technologies opens a way to better understand the behavior and fate of cells. In this review has been tried to introduce microfluidic systems and their applications in stem cell studies.
Methods: NA
Results: NA
Conclusion: NA
Keywords: Cell behavior, Biophysical factors, Cell fate, 3D cell culture systems