• Efficacy of Electromyography Biofeedback on improving motor weaknesses in Patients with Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Strokes
  • Negin ramezani,1,* Negin Ramezani ,6

  • Introduction: Stroke is the most common disabling neurological lesion in adults, i.e. the sudden onset of neurological symptoms caused by impaired blood supply of the brain. After cardiovascular diseases and cancer, stroke is the third leading cause of death in the world; according to statistics, it is the cause of more than 12-10% of deaths. However, more than 50 percent of patients survive and suffer long-term disabilities. These sudden neurological disorders show the vascular origin of stroke. These disorders occur in several seconds, minutes, hours, or days. In general, strokes are divided into two major categories of ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke (caused by bleeding). About 70 percent of strokes are ischemic, 20% bleeding, and 10% have no specific origin
  • Methods: In this case study (the single case), interviewing with a neurologist and studying the medical records of patients, individuals with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke (with mild to moderate weakness intensity of movement) were identified, and then three patients were randomly selected. Participants were alert patients with a known brain stroke (mild to moderate), with a maximum of a month past the stroke.
  • Results: The results of data chart visual analysis revealed a significant difference between the intervention and baseline phases for the 3 patients (PND60% subject number 1 & 80% subject number 2&60% subject number 3). In other words, anxiety in the sample had reduced. The improving motor weaknesses remained stable in the follow up phase (1 month and 1 week after intervention).As a result, electromyography biofeedback treatment had reduced the improving motor weaknesses.
  • Conclusion: Using electromyography biofeedback can be an effective way in preventing or reducing improving motor weaknesses in patients with stroke.
  • Keywords: biofeedback - improving motor weaknesses – hemorrhagic - ischemic - stroke