Production of biological pesticide based on Laurus nobilis essential oil and its killing and repellent effect on wax aphid on rapeseed plant in simulated climate conditions of Khuzestan
Production of biological pesticide based on Laurus nobilis essential oil and its killing and repellent effect on wax aphid on rapeseed plant in simulated climate conditions of Khuzestan
Introduction: Entre los insectos, los pulgones son una de las plagas importantes de los cultivos agrícolas y, debido a su resistencia a muchos venenos químicos, se han utilizado fuertes estrategias de control contra ellos. El uso indiscriminado de pesticidas puede contaminar el suelo y matar otros organismos no objetivo. Por este motivo se recomienda el uso de pesticidas orgánicos. La plaga más importante de la colza es el pulgón de la cera. El pulgón ceroso que se alimenta del xilema de la colza causa daños a la planta y una disminución del rendimiento agrícola. Nuestro objetivo de esta investigación es encontrar un tipo de aceite esencial ambiental que no solo tenga éxito en eliminar los pulgones de la cera, sino que, a diferencia de los pesticidas químicos, no dañe el suelo ni los cultivos.
Methods: In this research, after matching the age of wax aphid, the effect of Laurus nobilis essential oil on wax aphid was evaluated in the form of a completely randomized design with 5 different concentrations of essential oil along with a control in 3 replicates and each replication carried 10 .The number of aphids with rapeseed leaf disc, once in the simulated climatic conditions of Khuzestan and once in the simulated climatic conditions of Tehran province, separately, within the incubator after a period of 24 hours and a period of 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness was evaluated.
Results: The LC50 value was recorded as 17.78 microliters per liter of air in the climatic conditions of Khuzestan and 37.62 microliters per liter of air in the climatic conditions of Tehran province, which indicates that the essential oil of the leaves of the Laurus nobilis plant has an effect on killing and repelling wax aphids.
Conclusion: As the concentration of essential oil increases, the number of aphids killed increases, and due to the fact that the relative heat in Khuzestan is higher than the national average, and the essential oil evaporates more in the heat and creates more harmful respiratory vapors for the wax aphid, the effectiveness and efficiency of the biological pesticide under investigation is higher than the average. There is more country.It seems that this essential oil has a good pesticidal ability.
Keywords: Wax aphid, biological pesticide, Laurus nobilis essential oil, rapeseed