• Management of Shoulder Myofascial Trigger Points Can Decrease Neck and Shoulder Pain in Persons with Myofascial Pain Syndrome
  • Anahita Hosseini,1,*
    1. Sama schools organization

  • Introduction: Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic condition that causes pain in the musculoskeletal system. The pain is typically related to trigger points in muscles. When pressure applied to trigger points, they can radiate pain to the affected area. Sometimes without pressure they also induce radicular pain. Myofascial trigger points in shoulder muscles can cause muscle stiffness, fatigue, headaches and postural abnormalities such as rounded shoulders and forward head posture. Therefore, management of myofascial trigger points are critical to restore the normal function of shoulder joint. The aim of the current study is to investigate the effect of treatment of shoulder muscles trigger points on shoulder pain in persons with myofascial pain syndrome
  • Methods: 15 persons (9 women and 6 men, and age range of 46 ± 12.3) with shoulder muscles trigger points participated in this study. All participants had no previous neck problems. Shoulder and neck pain intensity was measured by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The VAS consists of a 10cm line, with two end points representing 0 (no pain) and 10 (pain as bad as it could possibly be). Participants were asked to rate their current level of pain by placing the mark on the line. VAS was determined before and after treatment period. Treatment procedures for shoulder muscles with trigger points included direct pressure on trigger points, stretching, using ultrasound and electrical stimulations. VAS results before and after treatment were analyzed using t pair test.
  • Results: Mean ± standard deviation of VAS before and after treatment was 8 ± 3.24 and 3 ± 4.1, respectively. Significant decrease in VAS was identified after treatment in persons participated in the current study (P<0.05).
  • Conclusion: Results of the current study indicated that physical treatment of shoulder muscle trigger points can reduce pain and discomfort in persons with myofascial trigger points syndrome. Pain reduction in these persons might be helpful to have a better quality of night sleep and also improve their activities of daily living
  • Keywords: Myofascial syndrome, Trigger points, Physical treatment